Fidya / Kaffarah

$15 - Fidiya Per Missed Fast

Break Bread With TheNeedy This Ramadan

During Ramadan, Muslims have two critical religious obligations, Fidya and Kaffarah. Those who cannot fast owing to illness, pregnancy, or other circumstances donate to Fidya as compensation. And those who purposefully break a fast without any valid reason give Kaffarah balance by either fasting for 60 consecutive days or feeding 60 needy persons.

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)said,

“Whoever cannot fast Ramadan consecutively without any permissible reasons must feed a needy person for every missed day. It is Fidya. And whoever intentionally breaks their fast during Ramadan without a valid excuse must fast for 60 consecutive days or feed 60 needy people. It is Kaffarah.”

(Sahih Bukhari, Book 31, Hadith 169)

Your Dutiful Donations Help The Impoverished.


Fidya is given at the rate of the cost of one meal (or equivalent) per missed day. Fidya amount for this year is $15 per day. However, the amount may vary based on the location and circumstances.


For Kaffarah, the cost of providing for 60 needy persons is $15 per person. The total cost of Kaffarah is $15 x 60 (needy persons) = $900.

Freedom Bakeries invites you to donate generously to support those in need and feed the fasting families. Your contribution will help provide meals to those in need and fulfill your obligations to Fidya and Kaffarah.

We use donations to provide fresh bread, create job opportunities, and promote self-sufficiency in needy communities. You can help by donating today. Support Freedom Farms to help provide aid to at-risk families and children with your Fidya/Kaffarah donations.